screw the status quo. we need change and we need it now. we need not a leader who plays with words and public funds. we need not a leader whose years of service fall under the 'fiction' category. we definitely need not a leader who knows nothing. we require a leader who has conviction, who has the guts to change the seemingly unchangeable. we need... to prepare for 2007. Now.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Shoutbox Chicks 3

Just when I was about to finish the second episode of Shoutbox Chicks, here comes my master Adel who came up with his own version of my comicbook series. Nice. Now I have to keep up with how the art develops. Waaah!

Anyway, I know you'll love this one. It's me and Adel on one of those bus rides to Baguio that I enjoyed so much. Circa 2000. Still fresh from college graduation, still living the dream. Notice my former white G4 iBook there... I miss my old machine. Sigh...

Just click on the image above to see the bigger version. I don't want to shrink it since it's ruining the text, you know. By the way, I was the one who labeled it "#3"!! :)


Blogger jonasdiego said...

Ha ha ha! It's great!

Looks like you'll have to up the ante, Katie. From the looks of the page, Adel has improved a lot as well. :)

2:07 PM

Blogger Katie said...

yes, way much better than yodacomics. I guess I will have to use the anime style, then.

big eyes, colored hair, thin characters... hmmmm...

6:14 AM

Blogger jonasdiego said...

Ay, wag naman thin! I like how you drew your women with meat in their bones in your first webcomic. :D

6:37 PM


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