Who are you?

Who is this woman who tells us to live through the severe crisis for the nation's sake, while enjoying the leisurely white sands of Boracay? Who are you to still flash a grinning face for broadsheet frontpages, while people who pass by the street can only frown as they struggle through their daily routines?
Who are you to ask everyone to endure the nation's crisis, when you know your subordinates, even some members of your family, indulges life reaping off hard-earned income from people's pockets? It's like taking away from the poor the ability to dream, to just survive for the next couple of years, just to pay for your expensive lives. Who are you to allow these selfish creatures to eat up our lives slowly?
Who are you to make your people feel that they are abandoned by their leader who had pledged better lives during your term? You have made the people feel abandoned by their government whenever oil companies race for higher prices, as if no law to manage them exists. You have made the people feel helpless when you turned over the NLEX to a private company, services that should be owned and subsidized by the government. Little by little, you take away chances for better living by supporting imposing additional taxes in the time of crisis. It just seems that you don't care, yet your street posters say that you do care. Who are you to deceive our uneducated masses?
Who are you? I remember all your promises, but have never known you as the one who fulfills them. Isn't that you whom I heard and seen on TV before the May 2004 elections saying that our electricity bills would go down while you are president of this country? That more jobs will be available to the unemployed? That trees will fill the mountains again after 2004? That there will be more room for improvements, most specially for the poor whom you requested for their support like a sinner who pleaded for reconciliation? That the value of the peso would be strong once again (yet it's even much worse that how it was during EDSA II)? That the economy would be strong again (strong for the favored few, it seems)? Who are you to deceive the people, whom you know will be easy to deceive because of ignorance to the political games you all are playing, and where we all are victims.
Who are you to make us pay for the faults and mistakes of former leaders of this country? We do not deserve to bear the rotten fruits of their selfish labors. We did not deserve leaders like them in the first place, much more the results of their shortcomings. We would have accepted the task to carry the load for our country's sake if your people had set an example. But no. Your people adds to the burden. Who are you to allow this to happen?
Reconciliation seems to be the only thing you have accomplished so far, as one can hear people's small cries in the streets, once divided by clashing political faces, now united by one claim: that they don't like you anymore.
Even most of those who had faith in you are showing signs of disgust now for having supported you back then when, when you were asking for our votes like a child who begged for a candy.
Who are you to say that the people's suffering is quite normal, and everyone should not complain for the country's sake, when in fact you have the power and all the means to, at least, alleviate our misery?
Who are you to ask more power in your hands, when in fact you have that power all along? Who are you to give us this impression that ballots casted by most of us had just gone to waste?
Oh yes. I DO know who you are, Gloria. YOU ARE NOT MY PRESIDENT.
Sumama ka sa May 1 rallies. Ibalik na lang natin sa Malakanyang si Erap at ang kanyang sindikato. Baka nga mas magaling itong mga kriminal na politiko at artista na alipores nitong buhong na ito pagdating sa pamamalakad sa gobyerno.
Pero on second thought, 'wag na lang kaya.
11:20 AM
wow. i never thought a person could be that dumb. i wonder how you manage to post your entries.
maybe you should read newspapers and books (with comprehension) so that you'd be able to satisfy your stupid questions.
10:20 PM
Palace optimistic legislators would heed call for VAT rate hike
Malacañang is optimistic that legislators opposing the increase in the Value Added Tax (VAT) from 10 percent to 12 percent would heed President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s appeal for them to reconsider their position and examine the fiscal requirements of the national government
In a radio interview, Press Secretary Ignacio R. Bunye reiterated the need for the government to raise P80 billion in additional revenues from new tax measures to be able to meet the goals set under the President’s fiscal consolidation program.
The President’s Medium Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) not only seeks to reduce government borrowings over a period of six years, but it also aims to finance development projects which are expected to boost investment, allowing the country to increase the ratio of investments to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to 27.7 percent from 20.1 percent in 2004.
Increased funding for development projects would result to a significant increase in economic activity, and pave the way for the creation of 10 million jobs in six years.
"Tayo ay umaasa na ang ating mga legislators ay makikinig sa panawagan na ito dahil ito naman talaga ang pangangailangan ng ating bansa (We are hopeful that our legislators would heed the President’s appeal because this is what the country needs)," Bunye said.
The bicameral conference committee tasked to reconcile the conflicting provisions of the Senate and House versions of the VAT bill is set to decide the hike in VAT rates this week.
The Senate version retained VAT at 10 percent, while lifting exemptions on many sectors and increasing the corporate income tax from 32 percent to 35 percent.
The House version, on the other hand, raised the VAT rate to 12 percent while keeping a number of exemptions and setting different rates for socially-sensitive products including canned food items.
Bunye said the economic managers have carefully studied the country’s fiscal requirements and determined at least P80 billion would be needed to allow the national government to reduce its borrowings and be able to balance the budget by 2010.
"Napaka-importante ng dagdag na pananalapi para sa ating bansa, at magkaroon din ng dagdag na pananalapi para mapondohan iyong mga social development projects (Additional government revenues are very important for our country and we also need these to be able to fund social development projects)," Bunye said.
He pointed out that the VAT rate increase may be a bitter pill to swallow, but the country must take it, to be able to improve its fiscal state.
Source of News Philippine Embassy, Washington D.C.
2:48 AM
I am sorry Katie but I am for Macapagal. To tell you frankly We need an Economist Like GMA.
She created The Customer Service Out Sourcing Job in the Philippines. GMA created 17,000 jobs in less than 1 year alone. The Out Sourcing Employees earned $300 to $500 a month in the Philippines. They earned more than a University of the Philippines Professor or other descent job in Manila and they pays sucks.
To my fellow Bloggers Out Sourcing JOB MAKES MONEY. So, leave your current job and be a new generation of customer service that makes a lot of money.
Just Being informative to those our fellow Filipinos who doesn't have any Job. But you also have to educate yourself in order to GMA opens new P31.97-M facilities of garments firm in Dasmariñas
DASMARINAS, Cavite - President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo inspected here today the facilities of a Chinese garment factory producing quality ladies’ fashion wear for export to the United States, Europe and Japan.
Golden Will Fashions Philippines, established in May, 1999 with a capitalization of P67.678 million, is targeting to increase their export sales to $22 million and order quantity to 2 million pieces in the next two years.
The Chinese garment firm, located at the First Cavite Industrial Estate (FCIE) Special Economic Zone in Barangay Langkaan, Dasmarinas, Cavite, specializes in the manufacture of ladies’ woven high fashion pants, blouses, skirts and jackets. It is the exclusive manufacturer of such famous fashion companies as Ann Taylor, Ralph Lauren, and Polo.
The President arrived here at 10:30 a.m. and was welcomed by Golden Will Fashion Philippines officials headed by the company general manager Roger Kan and board of director Dixon Ng. Also on hand were Cavite Governor Erineo Maliksi, Vice Governor Juanito Victor Remulla, and Dasmarinas Mayor Elpidio Barzaga Jr.
Upon her arrival, the President cut the ceremonial ribbon of the newly constructed P31.97 million production line building, part of the expansion program of the firm which is now trying to meet the demands of the international market.
Governor Maliksi and general manager Kan assisted the President in the ribbon cutting ceremony.
The President then greeted and interacted with the workers inside the production line and at the merchandising room. She also viewed the assorted fashion ladies’ wear produced by the firm.
During the briefing, Kan told the President about the company’s significant success during its six years of operation in the country. Kan also informed the President that their direct buyers are from Ralph Lauren and Polo.
The President, who was accompanied by Philippine Export Processing Zone (PEZA) Director Lilia de Lima, inquired about the condition of the sewers employed by the factory.
Golden Will is an export manufacturing company of high fashion ladies’ garments with a total $8 million contribution to the economy. With the completion of its new production line building, the company now has a total workforce of 1,500 compared to 384 workers when it started operation in 1999.
PRESS RELEASE NO.4: Statement of Secretary Ignacio R. Bunye: On VAT and Napocor
We have to bite the bullet to gain a better economic footing through the value-added tax (VAT) bill and the National Power Corporation (Napocor) rate hike.
Our worst nightmare would come from failure to act to protect the public interest in the long run.
If we lose market confidence, we will lose the strength to pull in investments which will create the jobs and livelihood opportunities.
We have to ensure, however, that we have strong safety nets and lifeline rates available to protect the most vulnerable sectors.
compete with the new.
3:02 AM
I'd still say why not address the issue first regarding graft and corruption, since this is the main reason why the government has money problems in the first place?
Do a strong and serious campaign against graft and corruption. Then go for fiscal reforms. That way, they'd gain confidence from the people first, and surely, they'll hear no one complaining about raising taxes.
For now, where the money, OUR money, goes is a very big question. Thus, there's no guarantee if this proposal Bunye is talking about would be effective.
Yes, it seems the government is well aware of the need for fiscal reforms, and seems like they're doing something about the issue: they're starting to pinpoint big tax evaders (at least, from showbiz... ) and proposing tax raises. But it's beginning to be obvious that the gov't isn't really serious about going against graft and corruption, which is the root of this nationwide money issue.
And no. Going back to Erap is not the answer. Shiish.
3:11 AM
Yup! I heard from a business conference in Makati that the effects of GMA's reforms now would definitely take effect on the nation's economy after two years. Good! For the meantime, tiis muna. Problem: Most of us earn income that is enough for three meals a day only. Asking us to save more or conserve more is way too much already for those people below the poverty line.
Saving should come from the top first, those who can afford doing it. Again, how could she propose this while we see her enjoying a day or two vacation in Boracay?
Akilez, no need to apologize. We all have different positions here, and I see your point as clear as the summer sky. :)
3:38 AM
If you really are following the news, you'd know that graft and corruption is being handled by this administration quite effectively as compared to her predecessors. Lifestyle checks produced unprecedented results. Then there's the winning of the $682M Marcos wealth and SMC shares. BIR is also doing a good job under Commissioner Parayno. Pork barrel, which some say is the main source of corruption, is slashed in half.
But, to tell you frankly, it isn't corruption that is the main problem of this country. IT is the incompetence of some local government officials. People just target the lady on top while not take a look at the accomplishments of the people they voted in the local level.
People, for instance, should be proactive in their baranggay and municipalities. It is the job of their local officials to make this possible.
Local officials should also be able to make their respective localities as self-sufficient as possible. Jobs should be created in their hometowns. Water and Energy should be locally produced (in this i commend Ilocos del Norte's Provincial Government for putting up a wind farm). Food should be sustainable. Shelters for families should be adequately provided and produce of lands be equally shared.
And a hell lot more...
8:46 AM
Let us see if GMA will "Reduced" the Graft and Corruption in The Philippines.
I will be the first one to Lynch myself if she doesn't fulfill her promise. Remember her father was against Graft and Corruption.
But Fellow Bloggers We shall prevail and corruption will not be totally eradicated. From the head of the U.N down the President of Haiti corruption is a World Wide Sport.
9:46 AM
I see there is another personal attack. That one is a clear example of the fallacy appealing to spite. I think the one who posted that might want to reevaluate his sense of logic.
Anyway, on that VAT issue. Einstien himself said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting the different results. Back in the cory administration, there was a law that entitled countries who accumulated foreign debts trough a dictatorial regime, to be exempted from paying. But Mrs. Aquino did not exploit that, instead she became optimistic that we will be able to pay all of them. Then the VAT was born. During the ramos administration it was revised to become the EVAT (expanded value added tax). But after twenty years of looting taxes from the people, did the VAT bill achieve its purpose? NO! In fact we are more indebted than we were during the marcos regime. And now they think this will be the solution to fix the deficit? The big question is... why the hell is there a deficit? What caused this deficit. It is the cause we must stop. And that cause is simply massive government corruption itself.
When we speak of corruption it is not only about stealing people's money. It also has a lot to do of how you handle public office itself. So maybe you don't build mansions paid for by tax payers money, but allowing others to get away with such, especially when you have the power not to do so. Taking a coffee break 10 minutes longer than usual in a government offcie can in fact be considered corruption, especially when you are being paid by the hour. In fact its not only about what public officials do, but what they choose not to do. As a public official who swears to to serve in the best interest of the public, it is therefore only just to demand them to work thier asses off. So in that sense incompetence itself is a form of corruption, and thus it is the biggest problem of this country.
Moreover we have to understand that corruption is a culture nowadays. come on, if we want a cure, i think we have to make an accurate diagnosis. In fairness most of our politicians especially the young ones start of as idealistic patriots, but in the long run end up being ambitious beurocrats.It does not matter if you are a fixer in the quezon city hall or a congressman stealing from his pork barrel. Corruption is everywhere. You can't separate it from philippine politics.
I think its safe to say here that we are not attacking GMA as a person, but as president, and all the issues sorrounding her presidency. If she is doing such a good job fighting corruption then how come the world sees us as the second most corrupt country in asia? yes there are cases filed, but has anyone been seriously convicted? or even arrested with the full force of the law? The day I see a hand cuffed corrupt public official dressed up in an orange jump suit and presented on the 6 pm news is the day I will say that she is winning the fight. In fact the thief that stole the most, is being detained in a mansion with swimming pools, and is being allowed to have lavish parties with his friends. So are we being detterent to corruption?
The problem with GMA fighting corruption is that she is trying to do it in a fancy manner. Maybe she wants to jail corrupt officials but at the same time wants to be politically correct. Obviously she is afraid of going after her own political allies. If you want to nail a piece of wood, what you do is get a hammer and pound that nail as hard as you can. Its not fancy but it will get the job done! Its all about will and full determination, which I think she lacks.
1:42 PM
^I agree. GMA is the most powerful person in this impoverished country. She's got the boat by the helm, and it was her own choice. The least she could to is stop being a populist president and do what's right for the country. T.E.
12:18 AM
For people to think that a President has all the powers to make everything happen is absurd.
Why do you think another president would be better? No one person can fix the country's issues.
Her policies are just that: policies. It will not work if it is not implemented at the lowest possible level and up. She cannot fix Philippine poverty, corruption and graft in one term or even two. It would take a succession of presidents, with consistent work and discpline to make a dent in the country's corruption, poverty, deficit.
And about Boracay. If she refrains from having fun, will that solve the country's problems?
Your passage was very passionate but really blaming one person for the country's problems is unrealistic.
3:35 AM
Why are we are the second corrupt country in Asia? because from The magtataho up to the Government officials SOME Filipinos are corrupt.
Try checking some Diaries of tourists on the net (including Filipino tourist) that visited the Philippines. they will explain to you what they observed and experienced from our Fellow Filipinos. One of this tourist is Astrantia. check her Blog and evaluate what she wrote. remember her boyfriend is Filipino. I myself experienced corruption when got off from the Plane in 1995. A taxi driver wants me to give him a 200.oo pesos TIP. he has to forced me to give him a tip. Is that Corruption or just hunger craving for money to buy food? but he was a healthy guy that didn't look he was starving to death. He was even fatter than me.
When in the Philippines be ready to be hustle. Ahmad try living in a country that is stable and come back after 5 to 10 years you will know what I am talking about. you will be disappointed with our country not only w/ the politicians
and but some regular Filipinos who have guts to take money from you.
3:37 AM
Finally an argument worthy of rebuttal. Unfortunately tintin, you haven't completely read the entery itself and in all probabilities you haven't also read the other entries.
I for one has mentioned so many times that a change in presidency is not always a solution. I even mentioned that Im not sure myself if I wan't to be on another EDSA revolution.
But here is the deal. What we need is a change in attitude from our leaders, and eventually leadership itself. The problem emanates from every president's desire to be a darling of the masses. In doing so they sometimes compromise thier presidency itself.
I think that article was more of an attack to her presidency rather than to her itself as a person. Its a criticism (a harsh one too) on how she handles the presidency itself. Yes the president is not the sole bearer of this cross, however she also is the most powerful person in this country, and how she uses that power affects our well being.
Yes the eradication of graftand corruption will take successions of presidents but remember that it has to start with her right here right now. And the way that we simply see it she niether has that political determination and backbone to go against corrupt leaders and tax evaders with full force. Why? because some of this corrupt leaders and tax evaders might be one of her political allies, and she could not afford loosing them while she is faced with several destabilization plots left and right from the opposition leaders.
If this will go on for the duration of her term, then I think she won't be accomplishing much by the end of it. Then a new president comes and we are right back where we started.
The only thing to do right now for her, is to do her job regardless of who gets happy or angry about it. Untill then I don't think she can afford to have some fun under the sun.
10:23 AM
Kate, you are brilliant. And today, after reading your blog, I think you are very brave, too.
Pero I want you to know how your blog hit me.
We've all become manhid to the true stories that are happening around us. Each and every passing minute. And we all seem not to care anymore what's really, truly, happening to the children in the streets, the honest people who work for an honest living, those who barely make the minimum wage, and those who we've given power to govern us all. We don't care anymore if there are people we meet each day who did not eat yesterday, and would probably not eat again today, for as long as kumakain naman AKO. We seem to believe that life is hard for some people dahil kasalanan nila yun. They get what they deserve, 'ika nga.
And we don't care if the family in power at Malacanang and their minions earn hundreds of millions of pesos each day, for as long as hindi naman tayo naapektuhan.
Try and pause before you close your eyes tonight, guys. Baka naman naapektuhan na rin tayo, ayaw lang nating tanggapin ang katotohanan.
6:55 PM
Don't believe in anything you read in the local papers, guys. They are all paid for by people who paid to get their views published.
Don't believe in anything you see on TV, too. And in radio.
Media= views from people who pay to make you believe their views.
Believe me, I'm in media.
7:02 PM
Yes I agree with you Kate and I am really touched by your blog here and also of the response of Tome Cruz. Sa mga kumakampi kay GMA, alam ko, hindi nyo naranasan ang karanasan ng isang ordinaryong mamamayan na gumagawa naman nang mabuti at tama pero kulang ang sahod na halos di nya mapakain ang kanyang pamilya samantalang nakikita nya sa kanyang paligid ang karangyaan ng mga taong pagnanakaw lamang sa gobyerno ang kayang gawin. Nasubukan nyo na ba ang gumawa sa bukid mula umaga hanggang hapon at 80pesos lang ang matatanggap mo pagkauwi mo? Bakit? Madali lang ba ang gawaing mag-alaga ng lupa? Bakit, ang mga taong nakapag-aral sa universidad ay kaya ba ito? At sila lang lang ba ang may karapatang nakakain ng wastong pagkain?
Dami ko pang nais sabihin pero, my time is limited. Sana man lang mataohan na tayo at yong mga taong kumporme kay GMA, siguro komportable ang buhay nyo at di kayo apektado.
Hanggang sa susunod....
11:08 AM
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