screw the status quo. we need change and we need it now. we need not a leader who plays with words and public funds. we need not a leader whose years of service fall under the 'fiction' category. we definitely need not a leader who knows nothing. we require a leader who has conviction, who has the guts to change the seemingly unchangeable. we need... to prepare for 2007. Now.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

I've known the comedian Tado eversince he was in the University of the Philippines as an activist. I thought when I first saw him in Strangebrew and later in other ABSCBN comedy shows that he had gone astray from the path of activism. I'm glad he still has in him the authentic blood of the Iskolar ng Bayan, ever fighting for what is right and what ought to be in this country. And I'm even more glad to realize there are still people from showbizness who choose to use their fame in more meaningful deeds like this one...

Keep it up, Tado!

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